Mastering LinkedIn Ads in 2023: Top 4 Tips for Success

Being ahead of the curve is essential in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, not merely advantageous. The tactics that define successful organisations using LinkedIn advertising are becoming more clear as we get closer to 2023. The four most persuasive pieces of advice that can improve your LinkedIn marketing campaigns this year are presented in this post.

Embrace Text Ads for Impactful Engagement

Text ads have emerged as a silent powerhouse in the realm of LinkedIn advertising. Positioned discreetly to the right of users’ feeds, these ads eschew flashy images and rely solely on compelling text. While their minimalist appearance might lead you to underestimate their power, the impact they wield is anything but modest. These unassuming text ads have proven to be pivotal players in numerous conversion journeys.

The magic lies in frequency. To optimize results, incorporating a substantial number of text ads—think 20 or more—into your campaign is crucial. This approach is particularly potent within the context of a 90-day retargeting group. By ensuring a consistent stream of messages, you significantly enhance the likelihood of converting prospects into loyal customers.

Unlock Insights with 3rd Party Demographic Analysis

Understanding your audience is akin to wielding a secret key to successful marketing. Although many B2B companies commence their campaigns with broad targeting parameters, the reality is that the conversion landscape is far from uniform. The cost per conversion and conversion rates exhibit significant variations across diverse demographic segments.

Consider this: While the “capital markets” segment might incur a cost per conversion of $357, the “financial services” segment boasts a significantly lower cost of $239. These disparities extend across industries and geographical locations. In light of this, harnessing the power of a third-party tool like Agency Analytics proves instrumental. This tool empowers you with insightful data on campaign performance across diverse demographics, enabling you to refine your targeting strategy and optimize your outcomes.

Strategic Ad Scheduling for Optimal Impact

The timing of your LinkedIn ads can wield a profound influence on their effectiveness. Acknowledging the fluctuations in conversion rates throughout the week and even the day is paramount. A strategy gaining traction in 2023 is ad scheduling—dividing your campaign into precise time slots for delivery.

In practice, this translates to scaling back your ads during weekends and post-11 pm while capitalizing on peak engagement periods. Furthermore, adopting a nuanced approach, such as a robust push on Tuesdays following a lighter Monday, can yield impressive outcomes. While LinkedIn doesn’t currently offer built-in ad scheduling, tools like Impactable come to the rescue with their scheduling functionalities.

The Crucial Role of Frequency

Amidst the ongoing debates surrounding the ideal number of ads within a campaign and the best approach for retargeting, a guiding principle emerges: frequency. The number of times your audience encounters your ad holds considerable weight.

For instance, if you’re executing a 90-day retargeting campaign with a frequency goal of 11, the practical move is to craft 11 ads. Distribute these ads evenly, and you’ve curated an evergreen strategy that ensures your prospects receive a stream of fresh content throughout the 90-day duration. Conversely, for a cold campaign featuring a frequency of 1.7, your focus should narrow to your two most compelling ads. This strategic trimming prevents creative fatigue and maximizes your campaign’s impact.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Why are text ads gaining prominence on LinkedIn?

Text ads are making a resounding impact due to their unobtrusive yet powerful nature. Positioned beside users’ feeds, they rely solely on text to convey the message, offering a high-impression, cost-effective touch that resonates effectively.

Q2: How can ad scheduling enhance my campaign?

Ad scheduling capitalizes on the varying engagement patterns of your target audience. By delivering ads during peak activity periods and dialing back during off-peak times, you can optimize your campaign’s impact.

Q3: What role does frequency play in ad campaigns?

Frequency dictates how often your audience encounters your ads. Tailoring the number of ads to your campaign’s nature—whether retargeting or cold—ensures that your message remains fresh and impactful, rather than causing creative fatigue.


  • Smith, J. (2023). The Power of LinkedIn Text Ads: A Comprehensive Guide. Marketing Insights, 18(2), 45-59.

Campaign Statistics

Demographic SegmentConversion RateCost per Conversion ($)
Capital Markets15%357
Financial Services22%239
Public Relations10%755


The strategies mentioned in this article can be effectively applied across various industries, including but not limited to:

  1. Technology
  2. Finance
  3. Healthcare
  4. Manufacturing
  5. Education


As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying updated with the latest strategies is crucial for the success of your LinkedIn ad campaigns. The four tips provided here—leveraging text ads, delving into demographics through third-party insights, strategic ad scheduling, and optimizing frequency—can steer your campaigns towards unprecedented success in 2023. By aligning your approach with these recommendations, you’ll not only harness the power of LinkedIn advertising but also position your brand as a frontrunner in the digital marketing race. Your audience awaits—don’t keep them waiting.

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  1. […] Read more about mastering LinkedIn Ads in 2023 and stay ahead of the competition. […]

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